World Zoom Recap - March 2021
On March 30th, we had a fantastic time to update, and gather together as a global family. Please take a moment and watch the video below if you missed it. We have also summarized the main points below.
World Zoom meeting summary
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Steve & Sandra opened up the meeting in prayer, welcomed Holy Spirit and prayed for a great time together. They invited our Sphere leaders to give reports from their regions.
Americas Sphere
Ash Smith had Jeremy & Connie Sinnott share some testimonies that have been happening in their church, Catch The Fire church in Barrie. One of their church members had to go in for hernia surgery. He was able to witness at least 5 different people while he was there and a number of them came to the Lord. After the surgery, he did not need any pain medication at all so the Lord healed him after the surgery. His niece and her boyfriend also came to know the Lord after connecting with him.
Steve & Claudia Ongo, associate pastors of Catch The Fire Barrie, led their repairman to the Lord and another member of their congregation led a mother from the park to the Lord as well. It is NOW time for reaching the lost!
Europe, Middle East, Africa Sphere (EMA)
Ken & Lois Gott had Nigel & June Hamilton share. They are involved in missions into India & Pakistan. They spoke of Jason & Andrea who have a children’s home there with children that are trafficked, sexually abused or orphaned in the Northeast of India. The children there have seen visions of Jesus and received jewels directly from heaven. They are also in a season of persecution and need our prayers. The government raided their compound, took 24 of their children and sold them into slavery. Jason also had a fall from a tree and even though he was unconscious for 15 minutes he only sustained minor injuries.
The ministry in Pakistan has thrived in the midst of being a persecuted and despised minority. They’ve been taking the Father Heart message into communities that wouldn’t be reached otherwise. Christopher has been discipling 7 other pastors. They have been completely relying on God to supply all their needs with lockdowns and no government support. Nigel & June have been able to spiritually support them over Zoom with weekly meetings and chat. They have appreciated the ongoing prayer support for this region.
Tim & Joanne - new Sphere Leaders
Ken & Lois Gott have handed over leadership of the EMA sphere to Tim & Joanne. They have pioneered the EMA sphere over the last year and connected everyone within that region. They will transition to the Apostolic Ambassador Team. Tim and Jo have carried their hearts in Europe and are builders and church leaders themselves. They will be amazing Sphere Leaders for our EMA sphere. We had a time of praying for and blessing Tim & Jo for these new roles.
Stu Allan shared that their Transformation Centre in Auckland, New Zealand has been developing its own model for ministry. There aren’t many churches in New Zealand that have the transforming work of the Holy Spirit and healing of hearts as an active component of what their church does. They are seeing people of other faiths being ministered to those outside of the church as well. It’s become an outreach ministry to the unsaved. Keep on ministering to those who are lost and hurting because what they receive in their own healing is going to touch other lives and they are going to be transformed as well. They’ve received a lot of words about prodigals coming home and are seeing that come to fruition.
Every couple of weeks Ron Sawka and his team meet online with their team around the world, many of them in China. In February they did a Fire Conference in English and translated it into 7 other languages. There was a minimum of 800 participants and thousands more were engaging as well.
Prior to that, they met with all of their Catch The Fire leaders where Lynley Allan shared her testimony, Duncan spoke and another speaker from Sri Lanka, They all released the fire of God over the people. Testimonies that came back from people said they felt physical heat and received healings. The team had prophesied over the conference and received the words about multiplication and expansion. In January 2020, the Lord gave Ron a word about coming into the promised land and how it was just a glimpse of what’s to come. He now feels that Asia is in the promised land and this is their season!
Benjamin Jackson - Organizational Chart
Ben took us through the Leadership and Organizational Structure of Catch The Fire World. He explained the various facets and introduced much of the current staff to give some clarity.
Cathy Harris
Cathy introduced the Church Planting School online. It officially launches on Friday, April 2, 2021. The platform is easy to use and you can jump into the school at any time. It has both recorded and live components to it. It’s meant to take you from the very first steps of starting a church to launching it. The goal is to have ongoing, practical training for our leaders.
Catch The Fire Music
Dave Richards shared about Catch The Fire Music. They recently took Catch The Music music through Transform Your Business which is an RTF for your business. Much fruit came out of it and gave them an opportunity to reset for the future. Dave introduced Jerry Niswander who is the Director of Catch The Fire Music. Covid made in-person recording projects very difficult but they are excited about the future. There is a new leadership for Music including Dave Richards, Trevor Bieh, Dallas & Hope Wigston. We are having a Songwriting Workshop with Meredith Mauldin from Upper Room music on April 23 & 24. See the events calendar for more details.
Priorities & Initiatives
Adele Richards shared about our Global Priorities which are Worship, Intercession, Prophetic and Evangelism. These are to be a resource to support, encourage, equip and fan the flames in your churches. We are having our first Global Priorities event on Monday, April 19 at 3 pm called Come Up Here. See the events calendar for more details.
Susan Wertheimer is leading our Kids initiative and is having a workshop on Releasing Kids in the Prophetic on April 26. See the events calendar for more details.
Dan Slade is leading our Theology Initiative and you are invited to join our next theology debate on "The Father's Heart & Suffering”.The main speaker will be Andrew Brunson. Dan Slade and others on the global theology initiative team will take part in discussing how, scripturally, we reconcile the Father Heart message with suffering. See the events calendar for more details.
New leaders – Global Prophetic Priority
The Prophetic Priority has gone through a leadership change. Lynley has felt prompted by the Lord to handover the leadership as He has other things for her to focus on at this time. She’s not going anywhere, she will continue to be a senior prophet in our movement. Thank you so much Lynley for everything you have invested in us. We love you and are grateful to you.
The new leadership of the global prophetic priority will be a trio – Adele, Richards, Charmaine Hicks and Christopher Bird. They send out a survey to pastors shortly.
Charmaine has been a part of the revival since the early days. She and her husband led the School of Ministry, they have led and discipled churches in the USA and Canada. Charmaine is a qualified life coach and a trainer extraordinaire. Charmaine and David attend Jubilee Church in Stratford. Charmaine is an incredible values carrier – she lives and breathes: hearing God’s voice, the prophetic and heart healing and she will be an incredible asset to you.
Christopher Bird has been a Baptist pastor for 25 years, and more recently a member of PIH. He and his wife Rachel heard God’s challenge early in 2020 to plant a CTF church in Farnborough, UK, which they have done, online so far. He has a theology degree and was personally mentored in the prophetic for many years by prophet Ken McGreevy.