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Our Story

Since January 1994, the Holy Spirit has been moving through Catch The Fire, healing lives, touching hearts and drawing people into an intimate relationship with the Lord. We've now spread throughout the world and have established schools across the nations, spanning multiple continents and cultures.

Throughout our schools, whether they be in Canada, Brazil, Norway, or any other nation, our values and mission stay the same: we're here to enable people to encounter God, be transformed and change the world. That is truly the DNA that relates each of our campuses together.

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Our Brand

Ever since the school opened, many young adults’ lives are transformed. They leave the school living vibrant, full lives knowing who they are through the Father’s eyes. They are pursuing authentic encounters with Him each and every day and are boldly living and bringing revival to their their homes, churches, offices, schools, communities, and nations.  

As a brand, our goal is to communicate the experience and transformation that happens to students who come to our schools, wherever they are in the world. We can show this in every way that we present ourselves – through our logos, typefaces, and photos.  The guidelines contained in the following pages have been developed to ensure that, by being consistent in the use of our logos and our look, we communicate a strong and cohesive message.